Huerta Los Tamarindos | History of Huerta Los Tamarindos | Organic Food, Farm, Restaurant, Event Center, School, Cabo San Lucas, San Jose Del Cabo

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Huerta Los Tamarindos, located just a mile from the Sea of Cortez and San Jose's estuary, is a property dating back to the 19th Century. Los Tamarindos was first used to cultivate sugar cane, one of the area's major exports during that time, and due to its fertile soil quickly became one of the region's most important farms.

After lying fallow for several years, the farm was rededicated to the cultivation of organic produce in 2003, a novel concept for this area at the time that has since seen intense growth.

The 17-acre farm is divided into an event area (with space for 400 guests), fields under year-round cultivation, and the newly renovated historic ranch house built in 1888.

Currently Huerta los Tamarindos is a very active producer of organic produce in Los Cabos, providing fresh herbs and vegetables for local restaurants (Tequila, Casa Natalia's Mi Cocina, and others) as well as exporting herbs and vegetables to the United States.

Los Tamarindos has gone through the rigorous process of obtainng organic certification from Primus Labs and The United States Department of Agriculture.

Huerta Los Tamarindos is an organic farm and restaurant located in San Jose Del Cabo. We offer farm tours, cooking classes, and also can provide an outdoor event center for parties and gatherings.

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